Using a Language Other than American English as the Default

Use this procedure if your site supports one language only, and it is not American English (1033).

To set your site’s default language to something other than American English, follow these steps.

1. Install a new site. Do not log in at this point.

2. Open your site’s web.config file (located in your site root folder.) Set ek_EnableMultilingual to zero (0). Set ek_DefaultContentLanguage to the four digit locale id for the desired language.

3. Log in to Ektron CMS400.NET.

4. Go to Settings > Configuration > Language Settings.

5. Enable the desired language, and disable all other languages.

6. Go to Settings > Configuration > Setup.

7. Make sure the desired language is the Default Application Language.

8. Go to Settings > Users > Edit User Information. Set the User Language to the desired language. Do not leave App Default as the value.

9. Repeat Step 7 for every Ektron CMS400.NET user.

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